Roster Role: 4pm Kitchen

Kitchen Roster

Thank you so much for your willingness to share the load. You are much appreciated.

Could you please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the service? Please provide either cakes, biscuits, soup and/or breads. Soup and bread is great on cold wintery nights.

  • Fill and turn on the urn to number 4
  • Set out the mugs, milk jugs, sugar, teaspoons, coffee, tea and have the cakes/biscuits or soup ready to go.
  • Clean up afterwards/switch off the urn at the wall and refill for the following week. Dishes, wipe benches, return milk, sugar, etc to their original container.
  • Take home used towel and tablecloths for washing. Please don't forget to return them the following Sunday.
  • If you are unable to make it on a particular day could you please swap with someone else? 

Thank  you!